Shop Manager since 2011
Auto Repair Technician since 1999
Skills & Specializations
Speaks Spanish
Quality in all areas, cares deeply about his customers and their needs.
Andre Ruiz
Background / Interests
Andre owns a home about a mile from the shop, so you can often bump into him around town. He loves his family and spends most of his free time with his 6 kids and wife. If he wasn’t busy enough Andre also volunteers as a Fire Fighter at the Pioneer Hose in Brick NJ, saving lives and rescuing cats from trees.
When Andre is not saving lives or with his family, you can find him helping customers at Al’s Auto Care. Andy was born to help others, he really cares about our customers and what is BEST for them. A super nice guy, who also speaks Spanish.
Not only is Andre the shop manager, he is also a high level auto repair technician who can fix any car with any type of problem.
Training & Certifications
- Automobile Service Consultant Certification (C1)
- Nissan Factory trained auto repair technician
- Nissan Factory Certified in computer controls/ electronic repair
- ASE Certified Auto Repair Technician:
Engine Repair (A1)
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle (A2)
Manual Drive Train & Axles (A3)
Suspension & Steering (A4)
Brakes (A5)
Electrical/Electronic Systems (A6)
Heating & Air Conditioning (A7)
Engine Performance (A8)
Currently working on an AS in Business from Ocean County College.